Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

[ACC: 3] Guess What??

Long time ago, there lived a princess named Ciel. Ciel is a princess of a kingdom called Saint's Heaven. Ciel's father was a king named Seigneur du Ciel II. Her mother was Reine du Ciel, the one and only daughter of the king Saint's Heaven before, Seigneur du Ciel I.
Seigneur II was a king who put people over royal affairs, military, and political state. However, it is different from Ciel. Ciel is a princess who is ambitious, selfish, and have always thought that the way her father ruled their kingdom was very annoying. As a successor to the royal princess, she always wanted to be the queen of a number one kingdom that became known throughout the world.
Since the death of the king, Saint's Heaven suffered a drastic decline. Ciel government system applied even make her kingdom be bad. She did not know what to do anymore. Until finally General Roi du Phantére facing the princess and explain how this all happened. He asked the princess to go with him, to look out of the kingdom, look at the people.
After walking around the villages in her kingdom, Ciel and the General stopped near the royal fountain. Ciel felt guilty about what she had done. Ten million people who are always trying to raise the name of Saint's Heaven, were just abandonment. The General explained that the reason why her father more concerned with the people of Saint’s Heaven is because they are the one who prosper this kingdom. They just need a leader who can see their work, rather than turning a blind eye towards them.
Ciel was look like just awakened from a long slumber. She now realized she had misjudged about her father. Along with the general, Ciel ruled her kingdom with the same system with her father. She invited 10 thousand members of the ministry to be with her rebuild Saint's Heaven. It may be true that the system that implemented by her father runs very slow, but however, Ciel realized that it is certainty a delay of rapid change.


*NB : "Attention to detail"~Chef Juna, It's easy to guess.

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

[ACC:2] Plastic Surgery; Pro and Con

Plastic surgery is a topic that have been quite popular to be discussed. In health cases, plastic surgery is highly recommended. But how if it’s not?
Some people say that one of the main reasons why they against plastic surgery is because it is not natural. They believe that “God” made us one way and we should learn to love ourselves the way we are.  Plastic surgery were changes the user true appearance that “God” has made. They say that it is a way to show their dissatisfaction with the God’s creation”.  In many religions in this world, its look like they are “betray” their religion and its a real social problem.
But, some people who have doing plastic surgery were claim that its their rights for doing anything to their body. They believe that they aren’t “betray” their God and their religion. They claimed that its not changes their true appearance that “God” has made, but its make it better. Some of them were feel better with their new appearance. They become more confidence with that. With they new look they becoming more “respected” by other people around them and its really good for them.
Even plastic surgery were being a controversy that  still didn’t have the final result, I strongly believe that if plastic surgery can make the user be a good person, why not? Because, being a better person is recommended in any religion i thought. But, why we need it if we can still be confidence with our true appearance.

*NOTE: more implicit, less grammar,  CMIIW... =))

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

[Acc:1] Watch Yourself While Watching TV

TV becomes one of the most devices which almost every houses have it. It can make all family members get closer to each other.But, there are still so many disadvantages concerning watching TVs.

First, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often cause bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.

Second, many studies have identified that people who watch TV a lot are being inactive and overweight.

Third, watching TV a lot is dangerous for our eyes. Too long-time eyes-contact could make it damaged.

That’s why we have to be wisely while watching TVs. We can limit hours for watching TV, to avoid the disadvantages of watching TV.

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

10 Fakta Tentang Mimpi

Mimpi adalah hal yang paling menarik dan paling misterius dalam hidup seseorang. 

Pada jaman dahulu kala mimpi sering dipercaya sebagai isyarat akan datangnya sesuatu yang menajubkan atau luar biasa. Mimpi diutarakan seperti pesan dari Tuhan kepada manusia untuk memperingatkan atau menjelaskan sesuatu hal yang berada di luar nalar manusia. Dalam masa sekarang, mimpi juga sering menjadi sumber inspirasi seseorang dalam membuat karya seni atau hal-hal yang belum pernah dipikirkan orang lain.

Tapi apakah ada sesuatu yang pasti mengenai mimpi?

Tentu saja ada, inilah SEPULUH fakta mengenai mimpi:

1. MENDENGKUR membuat anda tidak dapat bermimpi
Fakta ini sebenarnya sudah sangat terkenal dimana-mana. Akan tetapi hal ini belum bisa dinyatakan sebuah fakta kebenaran karena belum didukung dengan fakta yang cukup kuat.

2. Mimpi melihat MASA DEPAN
Hasil survei pada suatu set populasi besar menunjukkan bahwa antara 18% dan 38% orang telah mengalami setidaknya satu mimpi prekognitif (melihat masa depan) dan 70% pernah mengalami déjà vu karenanya. Persentase orang yang percaya mimpi tentang masa depan mereka mungkin akan lebih tinggi - mulai dari 63% menjadi 98%.

3. Tidak semua orang mimpinya BERWARNA
Sekitar 12% manusia mimpinya berwarna hitam putih. Sisanya memiliki mimpi yang penuh warna. Sebuah penelitian dari tahun 1915 sampai 1950an menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar orang mimpinya berwarna hitam putih. Akan tetapi sejak 1960an hasilnya berubah. Hasil yang didapatkan pada masa kini adalah hanya sekitar kurang dari 4.4% orang bermimpi dalam  warna hitam putih. Diduga hal ini disebabkan karena pada masa kini kita melihat film di TV atau media lainnya yang berwarna (pada masa lalu tayangan TV masih hitam putih).

4. Kamu dapat bermimpi 4 SAMPAI 7 KALI DALAM SEHARI
Rata- rata seseorang dapat bermimpi hingga 4 sampai 7 kali dalam sehari. Kamu dapat bermimpi kapanpun dan dimanapun kamu berada, baik dalam bawah sadar maupun secara sadar.

5. Mimpi itu sebuah SIMBOL
Jika anda bermimpi tentang suatu hal, maksud dari mimpi itu tidak seperti yang anda ingat atau secara sederhana dapat disimpulkan. Inilah yang dimaksud para orang-orang jaman dahulu jika mimpi itu sebuah pertanda akan datangnya sesuatu. Itulah yang dimaksud bahwa mimpi merupakan sesuatu yang rumit.

Otak kita tidak dapat menciptakan sebuah wajah. Dalam mimpi, kita hanya dapat melihat wajah seseorang yang pernah kita lihat hanya saja kita lupa pernah melihatnya. Seseorang pasti telah melihat ribuan wajah sepanjang hidup mereka, dan kita seperti menyimpan data tak terbatas yang menyebabkan kita lupa pernah melihat hal (wajah) tersebut.

7. 90% LUPA
Faktanya bahwa dalam waktu semalaman bermimpi kita hanya mengingat beberapa menit dari mimpi kita. 90% dari mimpi kita akan dibuang, dan biasanya yang diingat hanyalah hal penting dan juga hanya sebanyak 10%.

8. TUNANETRApun bisa mimpi
Seorang tunanetra karena kecelakaan atau penyakit dapat bermimpi secara “visual” atau bergambar. Akan tetapi orang tunanetra sejak lahir akan bermimpi menurut sesuatu yang telah mereka dengar, cium, raba, dan rasakan.

9. SEMUA ORANG pasti bermimpi
Semua orang pastilah pernah bermimpi (kecuali dalam kasus gangguan psikologis yang ekstrim). Jika kamu berpikir bahwa kamu belum pernah bermimpi, pasti kamu hanya lupa (dalam kasus ini seperti kasus nomor 7 hanya saja hal yang dilupakan lebih banyak sehingga kamu berpikir bahwa kamu tidak bermimpi).

10. HEWAN juga bermimpi
Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan berbagai macam hewan menunjukkan gelombang otak yang sama dengan manusia pada saat mereka tidur. Jika anda pernah melihat seekor anjing tidur, mereka akan menggerakkan kaki-kaki mereka atau ekor mereka seolah mereka sedang melakukan sesuatu saat mereka tertidur.